Tag: feng shui

Once every 823 Years-Money Bags

I recently got a chain sms message about this so-called money bags for July 2011.

Here’s the message I received:

“Look at the month of July. It has 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and ‘5 Mondays'(sic). This apparently happens once every 825(sic) years. This is called money bags. So send this on to 6 friends and money will arrive in 5 days. Based on Chinese Mythology, the one who does not pass this on will have money troubles for the rest of the year. Don’t want it to be me!! No send backs”.

Of course, in a prefigure fashion of this type ended with, “Based on Chinese Mythology, the one who does not pass this on will have money troubles for the rest of the year. Don’t want it to be me!! No send backs”.

Some even claim it’s Feng Shui.


Okay, first, let’s analyze the message based on facts.

July 2011 Calendar

1. July 2011 has four Mondays, NOT 5.  -The chain message must be referring to 5 Fridays

FACT:  This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays.

2. Once every 823 years when I checked buddy Google as the number of years stated in most chain emails and text messages of this sort. -The chain message I received said once every 825 years (Probably typo from the original sender).

FACT: July having five Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays occurs way often than every 823 years. It happened in July 2005, 1994, 1988, 1983, 1977, 1966, 1960, 1955, 1949, and it will happen again in 2016, 2022 and so on.

In fact, let me Google that for you


3. This is absolutely  NOT Feng Shui.

FACT: The ancient Feng Shui masters never used chain letters to bring luck.

In the ancient art and science Feng Shui, there is a Money Bag. You can see one which is a sack carried by one of the depictions of Buddha, the Happiness Buddha over his shoulder as he goes around handing out gifts to the pleasant people of China.

So everyone, this is definitely a hoax. This is a reshaped version of equally erroneous messages about August and October of last year. Please do not forward emails or sms of this kind.

Today’s advice: We do not have to be superstitious to be somewhat unnerved by these chain messages. It is understood that we are in a difficult economy and surely no one wants any bad luck. We do not have to pass messages along and potentially annoy our friends. Protect yourself.